Say no thanks to disposable packaging and choose circular alternative!
is a return system for circular packaging, which makes it possible to reuse the packaging for shipments several times. RE-ZIP packaging can be used up to 30 times - the CO2-emissions are 84% lower, when compared to a traditional single use packaging.
We are happy, when our customer makes an active choice to support circular economy. Therefore, we reward a return with a coupon code of worth 100 DKK to our webshop.
How it works:
• Select RE-ZIP's circular packaging at the check-out.
• When you receive your order, scan the QR-code and register your parcel.
• Find the closest delivery point via Re-Zip app, return the packaging and will receive your 100 DKK voucher via e-mail!
• The packaging will be returned to the warehouse to be cleaned and made ready for the next round ♻